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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A New Beginning


I'm back. Akhirnya, setelah bertahun-tahun tak menulis di blog, hari ni saya mula menulis semula. Dan harap-harap tu, akan consistent la. 😊


The year is 2021. Zaman Covid-19. So many uncertainties, and so many precautions. After our failed IUI attempt at Gleneagles in 2018, me and my husband have stopped any form of treatment. But, I know I need help. 11 years is a long time, and I'm turning 40 soon. Macam-macam kami cuba. Then, one fine day, I told my husband that we need to go for IVF. The last resort. While searching on the internet, I stumbled upon an ad by Genesis IVF, Penang. Saya ingat lagi, saya fikir banyak kali samada saya patut contact Genesis dan buat appointment atau patut tak saya tunggu lagi. But, engineering taught me a simple equation:

I (input) + P (process) = O (output)

My logic is this - If I want to change the O, I need to either change the I or the P. If not, the O will be the same. Allah takkan mengubah sesuatu jika hamba-Nya tak berusaha untuk berubah. Ikhtiar. And IVF is our last ikhtiar.

So, I emailed Genesis, explaining my condition. Then, suddenly I received a call, asking me when can I come to see the doctor. Jun 19, 2021. 3 days before my 37th birthday, I met my doctor, Dr Ng Peng Wah. A very pleasant gentleman, I must say. He scanned me and said my chances were 55%, eggs were good on both sides, and the problem could be the egg did not meet the sperm. Simple explanation, but it gave us HOPE. 


Well, to cut a long story short, at 39, I am now a happy mother to a 10-month-old son. Our long-awaited baby. I will write more about my IVF journey in my next post. Stay positive, ya!😉

p/s: "Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yg manakah yg kamu dustakan?" ar-Rahman ayat ke-13.

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